

Statement of a problem № 41603


The creation and study of new elementary particles is an important part of contemporary physics. Especially interesting is the discovery of a very massive particle. To create a particle of mass M requires energy Mc2. With enough energy, an exotic particle can be created by allowing a fast moving particle of ordinary matter, such as a proton, to collide with a similar target particle. Let us consider a perfectly inelastic collision between two protons: an incident proton with mass mp, kinetic energy K, and momentum magnitude p joins with an originally stationary target proton to form a single product particle of mass M. You might think that the creation of a new product particle, nine times more massive than in a previous experiment, would require just nine times more energy for the incident proton. Unfortunately not all of the kinetic energy of the incoming proton is available to create the product particle, since conservation of momentum requires that after the collision the system as a whole still must have some kinetic energy. Only a fraction of the energy of the incident particle is thus available to create a new particle. You will determine how the energy available for particle creation depends on the energy of the moving proton. Show that the energy available to create a product particle is given by from this result, when the kinetic energy K of the incident proton is large compared to its rest energy mpc2, we see that M approaches (2mpK) 1/2/c. Thus if the energy of th

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